To the best of our knowledge the above-mentioned products of OVERTURE™ do not intentionally contain substances listed below and therefore these substances are not expected to be present above limit values, if applicable. The presence of analytically detectable traces, which have possibly been introduced via raw materials, auxiliaries and additives, cannot be excluded. Specific analysis to measure such traces have not been performed on raw materials or final products.
List of substances:
- Cadmium
- Lead
- Mercury
- Hexavalent chromium
- Flame retardants PBB and PBDE including pentabromodiphenyl ether (CAS-No.32534-81-9), octabromodiphenyl ether (CAS-No. 32536-52-0) and decabromodiphenyl, ether (CAS-No.1163-19-5)
- Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)
- Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP)
- Dibutyl phthalate (DBP)
- Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP)
The information contained herein is believed to be accurate as of the date of this document. If any of the above-mentioned regulations change after the date of declaration, this information is no longer valid.
The way you use our products, technical assistance and information (whether verbal, written or by way of production evaluations), including any suggested formulations and recommendations, are beyond our control.
Therefore, it is imperative that you test our products to determine suitability for your processing and intended uses.
Your analysis must at least include testing to determine suitability from a technical, health, safety, and environmental and regulatory standpoint. Such testing has not necessarily been done by OVERTURE™, and has not obtained any approvals or licenses for a particular use or application of the product, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
All information and including technical assistance is given without warranty or guarantee and is subject to change without notice. It is expressly understood and agreed by you that you assume and hereby expressly release indemnify us and hold us harmless from all liability, in tort, contract or otherwise, incurred in connection with the use of our products, technical assistance, and information. Any statement or recommendation not contained herein is unauthorized and shall not bind us. Nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product
in conflict with any claim of any patent relative to any material or its use. No license is implied or in fact granted under the claims of any patent.